YZU is the first university to offer a selection of English-taught degrees starting from the coming fall semester, and every college expects to accept 30-50 students. In the orientation, the Academic Office invites administrators in high schools of Northern area to attend. Also, more than 40 principals, teachers, and parents participate in the meeting.
English is still the dominant language in the globalized age. YZU is the first university to launch bilingual education, and one of the fourth courses are taught in English. The new project of English Bachelor is offered in all five colleges: Electrical and Communication Engineering, Engineering, Informatics, Humanities and Social Sciences and Management. At least 70 credits will be taught in English, from required and selected courses. YZU also requires students to take programming design classes, for fulfilling the goal of nurturing Pi-type talent (polyglot).
此外,元智英語專班(英語學位學程)也建構「國際業師系統」,爲學生開拓國際視野、建立國際企業人脈網絡與國際文化的學習, 藉由跨國產業主管擔任授課師資以及海外企業實習的課程設計,全方位協助政府在新南向重點人才的培育,並配合遠東集團相關企業東協市場之人力布局需求,開設專班以及業師輔導之專業實習,讓學生就學與就業無縫接軌。