YZU Newsletter

YZU hosts 2016 ACM ICPC Asian Regional Contest 2016「ACM國際大學程式設計競賽」亞洲區賽成績公布

The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) takes place at YZU on November 25 and 26. Considered as the “Olympics of Programming Competitions,” the ACM ICPC attracts 300 participants from 60 teams from Asian countries, including Japan, Korea, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.  This year the champion goes to “AcThPaUNpPuAmCmBkCfEsFmMdNoLr” of National Taiwan University (NTU).  Three winners share the second best award: “Reshiram” of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), “PECaveros” and “Knife,” both are from NTU. The third best award goes to four teams; “ACellent” of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and the other three are MeowiNThebox, ODOP, and uzkwill7122, all from NTU. A total of 30 teams win the best 12 awards, and 20 others receive Honorable Mention.

As the host in this year, YZU President Jyh-Yang Wu (吳志揚) praises the ACM ICPC the biggest, longest, and the most important contest in the information industry. Wu says the trend of programming language has emerged globally. YZU requires students to take programming language courses for four credits starting from the new academic year.  Every college offers the programming language courses with application in financial technology, data analysis, and social media.  Wu stresses that the ability of writing programming has been one niche for independent professionals in industries and startups.  Wu expects the number of students attending the ACM ICPC will increase because of the required course of programming language writing.  Students enhance their competitiveness in the contest and uncover by the industries, especially in the new digital age.


 素有「程式設計奧林匹亞」之稱的「ACM國際大學程式設計競賽」(ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, 簡稱ACM-ICPC)亞洲區競賽,11月25及26兩天於桃園元智大學盛大舉行。各國選手精銳盡出,共有來自日本、韓國、印尼、中國大陸、香港等地15支隊伍與國內台、成、清、交、台科大、元智等大學60隊,約300人參與競技。



元智資工系主任林榮彬表示,ACMI-ICPC 由國際計算機協會 (ACM, Association of Computing Machinery) 所主導,目前全世界有40多個區域賽,其中亞洲區有二十餘個。自1995年起,臺灣一直維持一個亞洲區域賽,並由各大學輪流主辦。林榮彬表示,此競賽的決勝關鍵為紮實的解題技巧與效率、邏輯推理能力、時間掌握度、團隊合作精神等。並藉國、內外隊伍之相互切磋與競逐,促進各大學程式設計技術交流,進而提昇程式設計產業的國際競爭力。