YZU Newsletter

YZU wins TSC Marketing Award 元智大學管理學院「永心、作安心」團隊 榮獲2017 TSC崇越行銷大賞優良行銷企劃獎

Five sophomore students of YZU International Business Program win the “Oscar” in marketing academia- the Excellence Award in the Second TSC Marketing Symposium, beating 23 teams in the semi-final round. This year totally 209 teams participate the TSC Marketing Symposium, sponsored by Taiwan Management Institute, Topco Scientific, and National Taipei University.

The team’s instructor, Assistant Professor Etta Chen says she is proud of these students’ achievement. The team presents a comprehensive marketing project for Anyong Fresh, a brand name of a food chain. These students interview the chain stores in person and survey all the directors by questionnaire. They also pretend as customers in the food taste-tests and try to figure out a better marketing solution for the brand.  Finally, the team finish an excellent marketing project and beats other competitors including graduate students. Five members of the team are Pei-Ying Liu (劉沛縈), Yi-Hsin Shih (施怡欣), Jui-Peng Lin(林睿芃), Pang-Ning Ho (何邦寧) and Hsin-Hsiu Huang (黃心秀).



台灣管理學院主辦,崇越科技與台北大學協辦,有行銷學界奧斯卡之稱的第二屆2017 TSC崇越行銷大賞,日前進行決賽。元智大學管理學院行銷學群陳嬿伊教授指導的國企學程二年級團隊劉沛縈、施怡欣、林睿芃、何邦寧、黃心秀以「永心、作安心」的傑出行銷企畫提案,自全國公私立大專院校209隊參賽作品中脫穎而出,入選24隊決賽,榮獲優良行銷企劃獎。

元智大學團隊「永心、作安心」的作品,緊扣安永系列品牌安心鮮物的核心精神,結合行動支付、大數據與O2O零售虛實整合概念進行創意提案,對安永旗下品牌提出「游進你心快閃店」、「游刃有魚,安永陪您安心作料理」、「永安心,擁便利雲端零售新革命」、「 向左走向右走,安永在你我左右」的行銷企劃案,企畫宗旨在提供消費者透明化的食安資訊、精準便利的服務以提升品牌成效。四大主題的企劃提案結合如遠東集團旗下行動支付Friday錢包,以及線下QRcode與線上服務整合的概念,從行動支付與零售創新服務提出便捷、個人化的服務模式。消費者用手機掃讀鮮食產品上的QRcode,不僅能得知產銷履歷的食安資訊,更能藉由線上連結,使品牌能推薦個人化的優惠套組等商品資訊。


