YZU Newsletter

YZU holds 2021 AI & Blockchain Technologies Based Financial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2021人工智慧與區塊鏈金融創新創業大賽 1/16元智舉行

In order to promote the digital transformation of the financial industry, the digital finance group of Yuan Ze University, deeply rooted in the combination of digital technology and finance, held “AI & Blockchain Technologies Based Financial Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition” on January 16.
The theme of the competition is “Harness technology to navigate Finance”, and it is hoped to initiate the innovation and application of AI and blockchain technology in the financial field.


數位時代轉型,金融科技(FinTech  )特別是區塊鏈,將顛覆傳統金融服務,並透過科技的手段進行,讓企業可以提供更有效率的服務,也讓使用者可以更便利的操作。元智大學數位金融學群為推升金融產業數位轉型,深度紮根數位科技與金融之結合,於元月16日上午九點,於元智六館60304階梯教室,舉辦「人工智慧與區塊鏈金融創新創業大賽」。競賽以「駕馭科技 領航金融」為主題,期望啟動人工智慧與區塊鏈科技在金融領域的創新與應用。


