YZU Newsletter

YZU Prof. Chang wins a prize at the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 元智大學資訊傳播系張世明 故宮晶華形象短片獲「坎城企業媒體暨電視-銀海豚獎」

The corporate film of Silks Palace “A Transcending Journey”, directed by Shih-Ming Chang (Yuan Ze University) , won a Silver Dolphin award at the recently held 8th Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards. This is Chang’s third trophy in this competition and the first two are “Quartet” with silver award in 2014 & “Craft” with Gold award in 2013, respectively.

Professor Chang said that he took a leap to make time-travel play after catch the concept of Silks palace. The story is about the diners are like to explore their mind and profound cultural history when they enjoy the imperial treasures feast.


法國坎城三大影片競賽之一「坎城企業媒體暨電視獎 2017,8th Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards」日前揭曉成績,元智大學資訊傳播學系助理教授張世明執導的故宮晶華形象影片—《A Transcending Journey》,獲得了企業形象影片類「銀海豚獎」的殊榮,這是張世明繼2014年《Quartet四重奏》得到電視紀錄片「銀海豚獎」、2013《Craft》得到企業形象影片「金海豚獎」之後,再次獲得坎城三大影展的肯定。


坎城每年都會舉辦三場重要的影片競賽,除了眾所周知、針對電影工業的「坎城影展Cannes International Film Festival」外,還有針對創意廣告的「坎城國際創意節Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity」以及針對企業影片和電視紀錄片的「坎城企業媒體暨電視獎Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards」,每一項競賽在該業界都擁有舉足輕重的地位。





★《A Transcending Journey》:
