YZU team wins the Second Prize in iWEM Student Creativity Contest R&S主辦2015學生競賽 元智通訊系學生獲亞軍殊榮

Three students of Dept. of Communications Engineering wins the Second Best Prize with 50 thousand dollars in the Student Creativity Contest 2015, hosted by Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan (R&S), with the International Workshop on Electromagnetics(iWEM). The team includes two seniors: Tun Yuan Cheng (鄭惇元) and Hao Ju Huang (黃晧儒), and a graduate student Chuan Yi Liu (劉權億). Their topic is about the setting of antenna arrays to change the directions of radiated electromagnetic waves.

Tsing Hua University hosts the 2015 iWEM and Student Creativity Contest, joined with R&S. “Our work is an intelligent antenna, and we set the antenna arrays for the best of antenna’s directivity and electrical efficiency.” According to Cheng, their awarded work can apply to the wireless base station or military radars, and the fifth generation mobile communications system.


20160107-通訊系學生獲亞軍- R&S 總經理蔡吉文.黃晧儒.劉權益.鄭惇元(由左至右)

( 元智大學通訊系學生獲亞軍殊榮- R&S 總經理蔡吉文.黃晧儒.劉權益.鄭惇元(由左至右)照片/鄭惇元提供 )

元智大學通訊系四年級鄭惇元、黃晧儒及碩士班一年級劉權億參加2015年度國際電磁研討會 (International Workshop on Elextromagnetics, iWEM) 學生創意競賽活動,利用天線以陣列方式擺放架構,有效的改變天線的相位,使天線可以改變電磁波輻射方向,藉以作追蹤、掃描之用途,因此榮獲亞軍殊榮,獲獎金伍萬元補助。

2015年度國際電磁研討會 (International Workshop on Elextromagnetics, iWEM) 由國立交通大學主辦,台灣羅德史瓦茲 (Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan, R&S) 與研討會同步舉辦學生創意競賽活動,提供學子們展示DoA研究成果的機會。由於5G通訊技術正快速發展中,R&S希望透過競賽激發學生們在「天線陣列」及「波束成形」方面的設計創意,並可更進一步掌握5G寬頻通訊技術。

主辦單位表示,本次活動分為兩個階段,參與競賽的團隊必須通過第一階段的書面測驗,前五名者方可進入第二階段的實作競賽。第二階段的競選地點在交大校園內舉行,現場擺設三處信號發射站,各參賽團隊必須在設計的三種信號發射場景,及校園內既有 WiFi訊號干擾環境下,實地進行其自製 DoA系統之性能展現。



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