YZU Newsletter

YZU and VNU of Hanoi sign MOU for New Southern Policy 因應新南向政策 遠紡 元智 河內國立大學 三方合作 簽定備忘錄

YZU begins to recruit international students in the East Asian countries for the New Southern Policy launched by the Tsai Administration. YZU, Far Eastern Apparel (Vietnam) and Vietnam National University (VNU) in Hanoi sign the MOU on November 11 at YZU. Nguyen Kim Son, President of VNU, also visits the campus and has a substantial conversation with his counterparts.

President Jyh-Yang Wu says YZU works with her founder Far Eastern New Century for the student recruitment project, hoping the partnership with VNU will cultivate the potential workers for Far Eastern Apparel, the textile factory in Vietnam. According to the MOU, the project offers a dual degree diploma, requiring students to study two years in YZU, and another two years in VNU, Hanoi. Students have internships in Far Eastern Apparel during the summer time.  The alternative education plan is students study in VNU for three years, and one year in YZU. Wu says the project is the win-win cooperation; the university recruits more excellent international students, and the industry expects potential workers. The University-Industry partnership ensures students receiving the quality education and prepare for their professional career in the future.





越南河內國立大學校長Nguyen Kim Son一行人,11月15日上午參訪元智大學,並簽訂三方合作備忘錄,(即越南河內國立大學、元智大學及遠東紡纖越南廠)。元智大學校長吳志揚表示,元智配合政府新南向政策,積極往東協招生發展,目前配合母公司集團遠東新世紀的越南廠合作計畫,與越南河內國立大學簽定合作,未來將就雙聯學位培訓計畫進行。


越南河內國立大學校長Nguyen Kim Son表示,元智大學在學術上表示相當亮眼,元智的雙語教學執行的很好,希望越南的學生未來在中文的學習,或是元智的英語課程也可以有合作的機會。

越南河內國立大學在越南排名第一,校長直接隸屬總理,與該校合作具有指標性意義。河內國家大學,是一所越南的高等院校,位於首都河內。國立河內大學是越南僅有的兩所國立大學的其中之一。由於河內國家大學的主要任務是培養高素質人才和研發應用先進科技成果,在越南科教體系中佔有特殊地位,故由政府總理直接分管。該校在Top Universities in Vietnam 排名第一。
