YZU Newsletter

YZU ranks the first of Taiwan private universities in Asia University Rankings 亞洲大學排行 台灣24所上榜 元智大學為私立大學排名第一名

Times Higher Education releases 2016 Asia University Rankings. National University of Singapore (NUS) tops the list, followed by the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore and Peking University. The University of Hong Kong ranks the fourth place. 24 universities in Taiwan enter the list; YZU lists between 121 and 130, the best of non-medical private institutes.

The Asia University Rankings employ 13 performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons available, which are: the learning environment such as the ratio of teacher and student, International outlook, research income, and citations. With the generous support from the government, universities in Asian countries has a unique quality in teaching and learning performance, according to Phil Baty, the chief editor of Times Higher Education Publication. Baty also says that Asia will be the center of gravity in higher education.


英國《泰晤士報高等教育》(Times Higher Education)專刊日前公布2016年亞洲大學排行榜前200名,第一名由新加坡國立大學拿下,第二名由南洋理工大學與中國北京大學奪得,香港大學得到第四名。台灣共有24所大學上榜,元智大學排名在121至130名之間,在台灣排名非醫學類私立大學第一名!

此次排行是依照各個院校的師生比例、國際化、科研收入、論文引用次數等13項指標做的評分,該專刊主編巴堤(Phil Baty)說明,亞洲各國強大的資金與政府支持,讓亞洲各大學的質量都大幅提升;他預言,亞洲將是未來高等教育超級大國薈萃之地。
