YZU Newsletter

Dr. Chao-Ling Yao’s human umbilical cord blood researches win awards 元智大學姚少凌「臍帶血血漿加值應用技術」 產學成果優異

Associate Professor Yao, Graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, has spent years in human umbilical cord blood research. His accomplishments win University-Industry partnership awards in 2014 and 2016, granted by Department of Engineering and Technologies, Ministry of Science and Technology. Dr. Yao combines his research with U.S. patented “Hematopoietic Stem Cells Serum-Free Medium” to improve the human umbilical cord blood banking. Different from the traditional stem cell culture method, Dr. Yao’s approach increases the number of hematopoietic stem cells nearly a hundred times in ten days and breaks through the limit of 40-kilogram body weight in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Dr. Yao says with the culture system of the hematopoietic stem cell serum-free medium, his method can produce and store the maximum amount of human umbilical cord blood, by establishing the protocols of separation, vitalization, Cryopreservation and freeze-drying. Dr. Yao’s practice is significantly ahead of the existing technology in increasing the number of cell proliferation, enhancing the application value of umbilical cord blood plasma value.  The most successful part in his accomplishment is the breakthrough in fundamental research and clinical treatment of bottlenecks and further use of umbilical cord blood preservation and regenerative medicine.






姚少凌表示,目前造血幹細胞在基礎研究與臨床應用上最大的瓶頸就是能夠取得的數量稀少,造成許多後續的研究與臨床應用難以進行深入或是大規模的實驗以及重覆確效。因此找尋體外(ex vivo) 增殖培養的方式來增加造血幹細胞的數量,並保持其造血幹細胞原始的特性,便成為目前造血幹細胞在基礎研究與臨床應用上最重要的課題。



此一系列的研究成果獲科技部工程司103年產學成果傑出獎以及105年產學成果簡報特優獎,結合於2014年獲得美國專利的「造血幹細胞無血清培養基」(Optimizing Culture Medium for CD34<+>Hematopoietic Cell Expansion),有別於傳統的臍帶血培養及保存方法,只要十天就能讓造血幹細胞數量增加近百倍,一舉突破過去移植體重四十公斤的限制,也讓臍帶血的保存可以造福更多人;除了將此技術應用在基礎研究,解決幹細胞研究細胞數量不足的問題,長程目標是尋求與醫學中心的合作,進行臨床人體實驗,為台灣的幹細胞移植再生醫學,寫下歷史的新頁。