YZU Newsletter

YZU wins champion in 2016 iCampus Contest 元智Coding Fighter 榮獲智慧校園創新應用研討會暨應用競賽 第一名

“Coding Fighter,” the team developing “The Real Time Vehicle Tracking and Streaming Map System” wins the best award and 10 thousand dollars in 2016 iCampus Innovation and Application Seminar and Contest. The team consists two students of Information Engineering: Ye-Wei Chen (陳燁煒) and Chieh-Ju Wang (王傑茹), and Associate Professor Bo-Hao Chen (陳柏豪) is the instructor.

The system helps drivers to find the road less traveled, which predicts the vehicle location with the real-time car tracking and streaming. The system transmits the data of coordinates to the cloud server via 3G/4G wireless internet and displays the real-time vehicle tracking map on the web page. With the system, drivers can select different routes to approaching cars and avoid the traffic jams.



元智大學資工系陳柏豪教授,帶領資工系大四學生陳燁煒、王傑茹組成的Coding Fighter團隊,設計「高精度即時車況地圖產生系統」,作品獲「2016智慧校園創新應用研討會暨應用競賽」第一名,並獲六萬元獎金。


元智大學Coding Fighter團隊希望讓民眾快速找到替代道路避開塞車路段,提出作品「高精度即時車況地圖產生系統」,透過即時車輛偵測來估算車輛位置坐標,並使用3G/4G網路將坐標資訊即時回傳至雲端儲存處理伺服器進行定位標記處理,最後以網頁的方式來呈現車況地圖,提供民眾來查詢即時路況,避免行駛塞車路段。

元智大學Coding Fighter團隊,日前參加由東海大學、台灣中部科學園區產學訓協會、台灣臺中軟體園區發展產學訓聯盟、國立中山大學雲端計算與服務跨校資源中心共同主辦之「2016智慧校園創新應用研討會暨應用競賽」中表現突出,在38校83個隊伍325人參與競賽,進入決賽入圍共20校29個隊伍11人中脫穎而出,獲奪冠軍,並獲得六萬元獎金。