YZU Newsletter

YZU wins eight awards in 2016 Taipei INST (Int’l Invention Show & Techomart) 元智大學2016台北國際發明暨技術交易展大放異彩 共獲八獎項

Eight of eleven inventions win awards in Taipei Int’l Invention Show & Techomart (INST), including one platinum award, three golds, one silver, and three bronzes. Professor Juinn-Horng Deng(鄧俊宏) and Professor Jeng-Kuang Hwang(黃正光) from Dept. of Communication Engineering win the platinum award with the patent invention of “Joint Estimation and Compensation of RF Imperfections and Mobile Channel in Uplink Communication Systems with Measurement.”

Three gold awards go to Professor Pei-Yu Lin(林珮瑜), and Professor Jen-Tsan Wang (王任瓚) from Dept. of Information Communication, and Professor Cheng-En Ho (何政恩) from Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science receives two gold medals.

The silver award goes to Professor Guo-bin Jung (鐘國濱) from Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.  Three bronze winners are following: 1. Professor Chi-Fang Lin (林啟芳) from Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering; 2. Professor Chi-Yuan Lee(李其原), Professor Guo-bin Jung (鐘國濱) and Associate Professor Yu-Chun Chiang(江右君) from Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, and 3. Professor Cheng-En Ho (何政恩) from Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science.








獲獎 系所/教師 專利名稱
鉑金獎 通訊系/鄧俊宏、黃正光 於上鏈傳輸系統中解決射頻不完美之聯合估測補償方法
金牌 資傳系/林珮瑜、王任瓚 彩色二維條碼的產生方法
金牌 化材系/何政恩 一種控制銲點結構中錫晶體結構取向的方法
金牌 化材系/何政恩 用於三維X光斷層掃描裝置的可調式夾具結構
銀牌 機械系/鐘國濱 具即時監測氣體濃度與快速組裝的氣體產生裝置
銅牌 資工系/林啟芳 即時影音傳輸方法及其系統
銅牌 機械系/李其源、鐘國濱、江右君 用於水電解的膜電極組
銅牌 化材系/何政恩 抑制柯肯達爾孔洞形成於銲料與銅銲墊之間的方法