YZU Newsletter

Board Chairman celebrated YZU Anniversary with Fireside Chats 元智今校慶 徐旭東勉應變 應調整腳步

YZU hosts the 28th Anniversary on March 18, and Board Chairman Douglas Hsu gives his speech. This year the event presents the community art festival, party fair, and charity sales.  The alumni association promotes products made by ICAN Bakery Shop which employs individuals with autism.  YZU also organizes the Open House Day, inviting high school students for a campus tour. Legislator Wu Chih-yang (吳志揚) and Chen Shei-saint (陳學聖) pay their visits for the anniversary. Having the same name with YZU President Jyh-Yang Wu (吳志揚), Legislator Wu says he supports Wu with all his heart.

YZU set the theme “Being Smart and Resilient to Build New Careers” for this year, hoping the University is moving forward and creating more success factors in higher education. Mr. Hsu quotes Fireside Chats, facing four world trends: population aging, technologically advanced, urbanization and globalization. Instead of distance challenge, presence matters the most. It’s important to identify who you are, who you will be, and what future is heading.

The dramatic shifting in world trends has an essential impact on business management and development, so do higher education institutes. Live application in Social media has minimized the distance among countries. Taiwan seems to less affected and head in the wrong direction. “We should foresee challenges and set up practical strategies, ”Hsu says. Globalization has affected everyone, and we should identify and make the best use of information flow. As for YZU, adapt education goals and plans to the changing trends in Taiwan society is the key to success. Hsu says YZU will support our government policies in higher education, and consistently pursue academic achievements.




元智大學今(18)舉行28周年校慶,校董會徐旭東董事長親自出席典禮致詞,今年校方以「機敏應變,開創新局」為主題,期許元智28周年,邁向世界。校友也在下午舉辦「大愛包小愛,擀麵糰,做公益」活動,以實際行動支持自閉症者就業機會,協助認購自閉症兒基金會之愛肯饅頭。此外,開放高中生Open House Day參觀元智教學,並結合校運會、社區藝術節、園遊會,廣邀社區民眾參與。立委吳志揚、陳學聖也到場慶祝元智校慶,立委吳志揚直言我就是來挺校長吳志揚,希望吳志揚的名聲能越來越大。

元智大學今年以機敏應變 開創新局為主題,希望在少子化以及高教競爭的時代,能開創新局,走出自己的一片天。校董會董事長徐旭東則以火爐邊談(Fireside Chats)話期許元智,當今世界有四大趨勢─高齡化、科技化、都市化、全球化。世界變化的太快,距離已經不是問題,從一個LIVE看出去,我看到世界化全球化的變動了。身處全球化時代,要明確訂定義自己Who are you today and who are you tomorrow? 更要清楚未來的定位(What is future)。


