YZU Newsletter

YZU produces a new YZU-ECE Remote Monitor of temperature 元智自行研發YZU-ECE遠距體溫監測儀

Amid the corona virus outbreak, the demand for disinfectant has exceeded supply. For epidemic prevention, the faculty of Yuan Ze University is scheduled to take student’s temperature to ensure their health. The Professors from College of Electrical and Communication Engineering also join and set up a temperature- monitoring installment to assist in measuring temperature.

Dean Yaw-Geng Chau said when students flocking back school, it’s easily to cause loopholes in disease prevention. The professors and students in College of Electrical and Communication developed the “YZU-ECE Remote Monitor of temperature “ in a short time. They set the alarm of temperature threshold on the monitor by computer program and then calibrated the distance. At a certain distance, if the monitor senses people within crowd, whose temperature exceeds a preset temperature value (such as 37 degrees), the alarm sounds immediately.


(元智電通學院師生自行研發YZU-ECE遠距體溫監測儀。 /照片由電通學院提供)


(學校使用遠距體溫監測儀測量體溫,節省時間及人力。 /照片由電通學院提供)




(使用「YZU-ECE遠距體溫監測儀」可追蹤與鎖定多人體度。 /照片由電通學院提供)
