YZU Newsletter

Yuan Ze E-News Reporter Recruitment Program Now Open! 元智電子報記者 徵選計畫開跑囉!

Yuan Ze University E-News invites individuals with strong writing skills and keen observational abilities to join our team!

Job Description: Interviewing and reporting on Yuan Ze faculty, students, or campus events.

Nature of Work: Independent operation, flexible hours, and the opportunity to earn from writing.

Application Process: To assess students’ writing abilities, interested candidates are invited to submit one interview article (not exceeding 800 words, topic of your choice). Please include your name, department, and contact number, and send it to newsedit@saturn.yzu.edu.tw.”


元智大學電子報邀請⽂筆表達能⼒強,⼜善於觀察的你, 一同加⼊我們的⾏列!




徵選方式:為了解同學的寫作能力,請有意者投稿一篇採訪文章(字數不超過800,主題不限),並附上姓名、系級、聯絡電話寄至 newsedit@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

 (元智大學電子報邀請⽂筆表達能⼒強,⼜善於觀察的你, 一同加⼊我們的⾏列!/照片由本報訊提供)