YZU Newsletter

The salaries ranking of Yuan Ze University graduates leads the way in engineering and business management disciplines. 元智大學畢業生薪資 工程、商管學群領先群倫

How much does the starting salary vary among different academic disciplines? According to the salary report of university graduates over the past five years released by 104 Job Bank, the median starting salary for the engineering discipline is NT$34,000, and for the business management discipline, it is NT$30,000. Yuan Ze University graduates in the engineering discipline have a starting salary of about NT$36,000, and those in the business management discipline have a starting salary of NT$35,000. It is the only private university to rank first in both major disciplines, indicating that Yuan Ze’s education is highly favored by the industry.





根據EduRANK網站公告,元智大學電通學院電機工程系在全台44間最佳電機工程學系排名中(Electrical Engineering),脫穎而出,名列全台大專院校第11名,更是私立大學第1名。此外,工業工程與管理學系在全台灣最佳工業工程學系排名中表現優異,名列全台大專院校第6名,更是私立大學的冠軍。另如會計、財務金融、化工與材料及計算機科學與工程等,也進入全台前10名。


