YZU Newsletter

YZU develops app for college admission rating search元智大學聲量就業搜查App 選填志願好輕鬆

The SOV and Employment Rate App includes SOV (share of voice) search, employment rate by each university and aspiration selection analysis. The user-friendly app on the mobile device also integrates information about the college entrance examination from related websites. Students and parents may obtain all references from the one-stop service app.

YZU says the SOV search in the app includes discussion of PTT social groups, such as the introduction of universities, how to choose the right school, and rankings of undergraduate studies. Vice Chief Information Officer Liang Chih Yu (禹良治) says YZU Engineering and Informatics are two of the most discussed private colleges, even more than National Cheng Kung University, National Chiao Tung University, and Tsing Hua University. The app also connects with the 104 Job Bank, revealing information such as majors with employment status and salary survey.  Students may use the app to select the appropriate university according to the result of aspiration selection analysis.




元智大學的資通訊領域,向為職場上所青睞,此App的開發最大的特色便是將散落在各網站的升學資訊整合起來,提供一站式服務(One-stop service),方便考生與家長的查詢,也顯示元智大學在資通訊的強項與競爭力。


歡迎有興趣的考生至Google Play商店下載使用,網址https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kemo.unipop