YZU Newsletter

Yuan Ze University’s Student Club Evaluation and Showcase Event Concludes Successfully.元智大學學生社團評選暨觀摩活動圓滿落幕

On May 25th, Yuan Ze University’s Extracurricular Activities Division hosted the “Student Club Evaluation and Showcase Event,” with nearly 100 clubs participating enthusiastically. Amidst fierce competition, congratulations go to the Pop Music Recording Club, the Mountaineering Club, the Pop Music Club, and the Photography Club for winning the Popularity Award in this year’s evaluation.



DSC_6131-已增強-雜訊減少 (元智大學課外活動組舉辦「學生社團評選暨觀摩活動」,近百個社團熱情參與。/照片由課外組提供)


DSC00564 (學生社團評選暨觀摩活動不僅表彰優秀社團,更提供一個交流與學習的平台/照片由課外組提供)