YZU Newsletter

YZU won silver award in the YDA outcome evaluation of Career Counseling 元智大學獲大專校院職涯輔導成果評選 學校組「銀等獎」

Youth Development Administration of Ministry of Education held the first outcome evaluation of Career Counseling in universities and colleges in 2017. Yuan Ze University defeat 15 competitors of colleges and won silver medal.

The judges offered YZU praise and encouragement about the concept of career development and creative practice, such as Elite Lecture and GMAT Program. YZU will receive awards in the executive board meeting of career counseling on August 13~24 and share participants how YZU helps students to make career plan which can put into practice what they have learned.




評審委員對元智大學職涯發展理念及創新做法頗為讚揚及肯定,如:益勵講堂、GMAT Program等,並將於106年8月23-24日全國大專校院職涯輔導主管會議中頒獎及分享,藉此讓大家看到元智如何運用巧思建造堅固的船舶來承載學生、職輔人員盡責擔任引舵手,以使搭乘航程的青年學子亮麗展翅翱翔!