YZU Newsletter

YZU Prof. Shen Jhen holds the exhibition of paintings and stamps元智教授沈禎 退休前舉辦繪畫暨郵票之美特展

Shen Jhen(沈禎), Professor from the Department of Art and Design, holds solo exhibition of stamps in Postal Museum from Dec.9th to 14th. This is Shen’s pre-retirement exhibition including stamps of Red Chamber Dream issued by Chunghwa Post and stamps of three contemporary thinkers and educators (Hu Shih, Chien Shih-Liang and Wu Ta-You)

Prof. Shen Jhen said that Chang-Tay Chiou, Dean of College of Humanities and Social Sciences, launched the event in order to encourage him to display his works before retirement. Mr. Shen has painted for more than forty years and is good at ink painting of figure, watercolor and oil paintings. In this exhibition-the Amusement of Stamp and Art, Mr. Shen reveals his over forty recent artworks of ink paintings and pencil drawing except stamps that he painted for Chunghwa Post.





(紅樓夢三 報部擬樣/照片由沈禎教授提供)


沈禎,西澳洲伊迪斯‧柯文大學視覺藝術博士。曾任淡江大學駐校藝術家、醒吾科大李奇茂美術館館長;亦曾任教於政戰學校藝術系、台灣藝術大學美術系、淡江大學通識中心等。現為中國孔學會、中華畫學會副理事長。國內外舉辦過百餘次個展及聯展,其水墨大畫「中華聖母」於2012年11月獲梵蒂岡教廷典藏,並永久陳列於梵蒂岡克萊蒙八世大廳(Clemens VIII)。沈禎其他創作亦屢獲國內外許多公私立文化機構典藏,出版畫集十餘冊。



◎展覽期間:106年12月 9日至12月24 日(星期一休館)






展 出 者:元智大學藝術與設計學系 沈禎