YZU Newsletter

YZU students get award in TSMC Dream Builders of Youth Project元智管院學生 參加台積電青年築夢計畫 獲50萬元的圓夢基金

YZU cross-disciplinary team participated in 2017 TSMC Dream Builders of Youth Project by the plan ‘Eat outside the box 2.0” and was awarded the prize with NTD 500,000. The team is formed by seven students ( He-Ting Chen, Pang-Ning Ho, Yi-Chung Chung, Ai-Wen Chang, Ya-Tzu Huang, Yu-Ting Kao and Yen-You Chen) and directed by Prof. Lo-wen Hsu from College of Management.

The project ‘Eat outside the box 2.0” is to initiated for solving social issue caused by eating outside and to provide the public a new dining option.  He-Ting Chen said that while we try to solve the social problem, we also add the business model of social enterprise, just like what the professor said, “do well by doing well’.  It is not easy to do and must be rigorous and integrated.  Through this project, we hope it can make this society warmer and improve people relationship.


由元智大學陳和廷、何邦寧、鐘苡郡、張艾文、黃雅慈、高瑜庭、陳彥攸七位同學所組成的跨院,跨年級團隊,在管理學院徐樂文老師的帶領下,利用社會企業的營運邏輯及系統工具模式,以「Eat outside the box 2.0」計畫,入選2017台積電青年築夢計畫的優勝隊伍,獲得50萬元的圓夢基金。




「Eat outside the box 2.0」計畫是希望解決外食所造成的社會議題,提供大家一個健康的用餐新選擇。團隊成員陳和廷表示,我們在解決社會問題的同時,也加入社會企業的營運模式,就像指導老師在課堂所教我們的終極邏輯『做好事賺錢,賺錢做好事』是很不容易輕易達到的,需要嚴密完整的計畫,希望透過這個計畫,讓社會多一點情感的流動,也增進人與人之間的關係。

團隊成員何邦寧則說,希望透過這個2.0計畫,讓每一頓飯都有家的溫度,Dinning with a friend you haven’t met.,利用一頓飯的時間,拉近彼此距離!
