YZU Newsletter








  1. 107年6月29日(五)器材室進行盤點,恕不借用器材。
  2. 107年7月9日(一)~13日(五)為配合學校全教職員工之校外自主學習日,該期間體育館閉館五天,暫不開放使用。
  3. 107年7月7日(六)~9月2日(日)期間體育館每週五、六、日暫停開放使用。
  4. 107年7月2日(一)~8月31日(五)暑假期間以運動營為優先使用,並視場地使用情形,開放每星期一至星期四AM 900PM 430。(場地器材借用請至健康休閒中心二樓-體育室辦公室登記辦理)。
  5. 107年7月2日(一)~9月9日(日)代表隊暑訓,優先使用。
  6. 107年9月10日(一)起恢復正常開放使用。

PE Office hereby announces:

To conserve energy and to go in keeping with the working hours of the 2018 summer vacation, the opening hours of the YZU Fitness Center and Gymnasium are listed as follows


One、YZU Fitness Center:

During the summer vacation, the opening hours of the Recreation Center retain the regular hours (except for the days for which it is scheduled to be closed).

However, during the period from July 2th to August 24th 2018 when four consecutive swimming training classes are to be held, it is open only for the membership holders.



  1. A stock-taking for the facilities room is scheduled on June 29th 2018 when no facilities are allowed to be checked out.
  2. To cooperate with the school July 9 th to July 13 th 2018.for the school self-study day,during which the gymnasium closed for five day.
  3. The Gymnasium is close on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the period from July 7th to September 2th 2018.
  4. The Gymnasium is open from 09:00 am to 16:30 pm every Monday through Thursday during the summer stadium sports camps as priority to use,open use of July 2th (Monday) to August 31th (Friday) 2018. (Those who want to check out the facilities may go to the PE office on the second floor of the Recreation Center for registration.)
  5. The Gymnasium is priority use from July 2th (Monday) through September 9th (Sunday) on account of the collective training for the school team.
  6. The Gymnasium goes back to regular service starting from September 10th (Monday) 2018.