The Taoyuan Land Art Festival, which attracts more than one million visitors yearly and has the most humanistic and natural heritage in Taoyuan, took place recently in the Longtan and Qingpu areas. Professor Ms. Wan-Wen Huang from the Art and Design Department at Yuan Ze University has been invited to showcase the work ‘Rhombus Wind Pavilion.’ Based on the rhombus structure, Ms. Huang utilized bamboo and other materials to construct a 3D diamond-shaped roof, weaving the rhombus with threads like a fishing net and installing circular acrylic mirrors on the weaving junctions. Those mirrors present the wishes of the YZU students participating in the creation and local tourism guidance recommended by Longtan residents. This installation art provides a place near the lake for rest, viewing, and feeling the wind.
每年吸引超過百萬遊客到訪,最具桃園人文與自然底蘊的「桃園地景藝術節」,近期於龍潭及青埔展出。元智大學藝術與設計學系黃琬雯老師受邀展出作品「菱動Rhombus Wind Pavilion」,以菱格為結構基礎,運用竹子和竹組建構立體的菱形屋頂結構,以線材編織成如漁網的菱格,並在編織接點裝設圓形的鏡面壓克力,內面是參與共創元智學生的願望,以及龍潭居民推薦的在地觀光指引,創造大池邊一個休憩、觀景和感受風動的裝置。
2023桃園地景藝術節以「桃園尞尞」為主題,邀請國內外共18位藝術家,與在地社區、學校團體等合作,藝術共創21件的裝置藝術作品。今年元智大學是受邀參展的學校團體中唯一一所桃園在地的大專院校,藝術與設計學系黃琬雯老師受邀展出作品「菱動Rhombus Wind Pavilion」,學生譚文睿、程家倩、黃晉文、邱宇、蔡佩君、駱雨榕與大二學生也協力參與創作。這件共創的作品集結元智師生的創意X策展單位瘋設計X桃園在地居民的參與協作。
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