University individual application phase one results were released, and top universities became popular choices.大學個人申請一階放榜 前端私校成為熱門選擇

The results of the first phase of screening for university admission applications for the 113th academic year were announced on March 28. According to the statistics of the Selection Committee, this year, 60,449 candidates passed the first phase of screening. Despite the pass rate being only 81.15%, it reflects the intense competition in university admission applications. This year, the number of applicants for Yuan Ze University in the first phase increased from 4,719 last year to 8,775, an increase of over four thousand people, nearly doubling, reflecting the continuously rising preference of students for this university.






LINE_ALBUM_校長照片_230202 (元智大學校長與學生合影照/照片由本報訊提供)


元智大學廖慶榮校長(中)與聯新國際醫院許詩典院長(右)及亞東醫院林子玉醫事副院長(左)簽署合作協議,培育智慧護理師 (元智大學廖慶榮校長(中)與聯新國際醫院許詩典院長(右)及亞東醫院林子玉醫事副院長(左)簽署合作協議,培育智慧護理師/照片由本報訊提供)

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