Yuan Ze University’s 35th Anniversary Celebration will be held on March 23rd. The event includes a sports day, a carnival, and a community arts festival, and invites high school students for campus tours and various college week series activities. These activities showcase the vitality and diversity of the different departments, clubs, and administrative teams, integrating resources from surrounding community organizations to enhance emotional connections with community residents. The ceremony will also feature the launch of a cloud talent training collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), aiming to establish a cloud talent cultivation base for the Far Eastern Group and the Taoyuan area. An alumni reunion party will be held at the gymnasium, with 35 tables set up to strengthen the alumni’s sense of belonging. The Deputy Mayor of Taoyuan City, Wang Ming-ju, will personally attend the ceremony to offer congratulations.
元智大學35週年校慶活動將於3/23舉行。活動包括校慶運動會、園遊會、社區藝術節,並廣邀高中生到校參觀及各院週系列活動等,展現各學系、社團及行政團隊活力多元之風貌,結合周邊社團資源,促進與社區居民之情感;典禮中也與Amazon Web services(AWS)舉行雲端人才培訓合作啟動儀式,打造遠東集團及桃園地區雲端人才培育基地;中午於體育館舉辦校友聯誼餐會,席開35桌,凝聚校友向心力;桃園市王明鉅副市長將親臨典禮會場祝賀。
校慶運動會於廖慶榮校長帶領師生約500人進行環校路跑,為校慶活動揭開序幕。「校慶典禮」在元智六館有庠廳舉行,會中邀請校董會董事長徐旭東致詞勉勵,典禮中頒發教師績效傑出獎、青年學者研究獎等殊榮予績優教師,以表彰其傑出貢獻。此外,也與AWS舉行雲端人才培訓合作啟動儀式,將亞馬遜創新雲端實務結合 EMBA 企業研究方法論,預計培養 200 位具備 AWS 雲端證照的科技人才,元智從校園鏈結產業、接軌國際,共同培育新世代雲端人才。
第24屆元智大學社區藝術節以「浪漫的起藝」為名,邀請Bloco Força 弗莎巴西打擊樂團進行擊鼓遊行表演,將現場的熱情氛圍推向高潮;全球處也舉辦印度文化體驗活動,透過互相塗抹各色顏料,親身感受印度節日的色彩與祝福。現場亦提供各式音樂舞蹈表演,由專業舞者帶領大家一起翩翩起舞。
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