2024 Cybersecurity from Scratch” Successfully Concludes.「2024 資安從零開匙」圓滿落幕

The Department of Information Management at Yuan Ze University successfully held the “2024 Cybersecurity from Scratch” event, with Academician Lee Der-Tsai personally attending to guide the opening ceremony. The event aimed to provide Taiwanese high school students with an accessible introduction to cybersecurity, helping them gain a deeper understanding of cybersecurity issues through expert lectures and interactive learning. Over the two-day event, six senior instructors delivered courses, covering fundamental cybersecurity concepts and allowing participants to grasp core principles in a relaxed learning environment. The program also sought to inspire students’ interest and passion for the field of cybersecurity.


元智大學資管系舉行「2024 資安從零開匙」活動,由李德財院士親自蒞臨指導。期望為高中生提供深入淺出的資訊安全入門課程,透過專業講師的指導和互動式學習,提升學生對資安議題的認識,並激發學生對資安領域的興趣與熱情。兩天的活動,由六位資深講師親自授課,為學員講解資安的基礎知識,使其能在輕鬆的學習氛圍中掌握核心理念。



為增加活動的趣味性和互動性,設有破冰遊戲和CTF(Capture The Flag)競賽,讓學員在互動中認識志同道合的朋友,透過團隊合作,進一步深化對資訊安全的理解,這些互動不僅增強學員的學習動力,也為未來的資安學習與挑戰奠定良好的基礎。



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