Yuan Ze University CSE Faculty and Students Shine at ICMHI 2024 International Conference.元智資工系師生在ICMHI 2024國際會議大放異彩

Associate Professor Ting-Yin Chien of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Yuan Ze University led students to participate in the 8th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2024) in Yokohama, Japan, showcasing outstanding performance and achieving excellent results. Junior students Li-Ting Luo and Yi-Rou Chang won first place in the Student Essay Prize Competition for the university category. Fellow juniors Kang-Hsuan Peng and Ying-Chi Hsu secured second place in the same category, while Chia-Bin Yi and Tzu-Fang Yang won third. Additionally, first-year master’s student Nai-Yuan Chang achieved first place in the master’s category, marking a fruitful outcome for the team.


元智大學資訊工程學系簡廷因副教授帶領學生參加2024年於日本橫濱舉行的第八屆醫學與健康資訊學國際會議(ICMHI 2024),表現亮眼,獲得出色的好成績。大三學生羅立庭、張頤柔同學榮獲學生徵文競賽(Student Essay Prize Competition)大學組第一名;大三學生彭康軒及徐英豈同學獲得同組第二名;蟻嘉彬、楊子枋同學獲得同組第三名;碩一學生張乃元同學更取得碩士組第一名的佳績,成果豐碩。


元智資工系師生在ICMHI 2024國際會議大放異彩 (元智資工系師生在ICMHI 2024國際會議大放異彩/照片由資工系提供)



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