YZU International Cultural Festival opens元智大學國際文化節「free Hug with you」

YZU invites all International students to join the festival, starting on at noon on December 7. This year the festival has a fantastic theme, “free Hug with you,” and YZU hopes foreign students get to know each other in the event.

The enrollment number of International students in YZU is the highest of universities in Taiwan. Those students share the proportion as high as 11.3% of all students. Bilingual education is one of the reasons to draw international students’ attention about YZU.

International Cuisine is the spotlight in the festival. The organizers are Taiwan Student Association and international student groups coming from Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Gambia, China, Muslim and InSA, and Taiwan Volunteer League also join in the event. Students wear their traditional clothes and serve the tables. Guests can taste different cuisine with various cultures in the event.IMG_5668



photo (1)(國際美食活動吸引同學前往購買/照片由本報提供)






元智大學國際室主任陳勁甫表示,一個簡單的擁抱不僅可以帶給人們溫暖,也可以建立與陌生人的橋樑,在國外free Hug活動已盛行多年,而許多元智學生從未體驗過free Hug活動,所以國際文化節系列活動於當天下午1點至3點,每整點鐘舉辦主題活動「free Hug with you」,讓台灣學生學習以友善尊重的態度,擁抱每一個來自世界各地文化的境外生,讓擁抱帶給我們境外學生,體驗台灣的友善與溫暖。

元智大學YOUTH青年志工大聯盟、管理學院國企系二年級學生謝鈞旋表示,台灣學多半害羞不敢主動說英語,為了讓更多台灣學生能透過彼此的互動與交流,學習尊重彼此文化,因此國際文化節系列活動聯合八大學生聯誼會,共同構思互動遊戲與台灣學生互動,讓對話不再只是以往言語上的「How are you?」、「where you come from?」,而是透過一起遊戲直接與境外學生拉近彼此距離,讓語言不是距離。

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