Yuan Ze University Student Association Achieves Highest Honors with Two Awards at the 113th Annual Achievement Exhibition.元智學生會113年成果展 獲最高肯定奪雙獎項

The Ministry of Education held the 113th Annual Student Association Achievement Exhibition on April 27th and 28th, with over 70 schools participating. The Yuan Ze University Student Association excelled in their performance throughout the 112th year, not only receiving the highest recognition with the “All-Around Champion Award” but also winning the “Annual Feature Award.” This follows last year’s success, where they received the “Triple Crown in Student Governance,” marking another level of achievement.


教育部 113 年學生會成果展於4月27及28日舉行,此次活動高達70多所學校參與,元智學生會 112 年全年度各項表現突出,除了獲得最高肯定「全能滿貫獎」外,也奪得「年度特色獎」。這是繼去年獲得「學治三冠獎」後,再更上一層樓。

元智學生會 112 年全年度各項表現透過專家學者評選與審查,在法規暨組織運作、選舉制度、年度計畫暨財務制度及學生權益的四大指標上,均獲得評委及高的評價,榮獲最高肯定「全能滿貫獎」佳績。此外,今年以「從校園走向社會,讓社會融入校園」為特色主軸,也獲得「年度特色獎」。

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DSC07365 (元智學生會113年成果展獲最高肯定奪雙獎項/照片由課外組提供)

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