Yuan Ze University’s Chinese Language Department Student Li Yilong Wins Gold at the National University Games.元智中語系李羿隆為校爭光 榮獲全大運擊劍金牌

The 113th National Intercollegiate Athletic Games opened on May 4th at the National Taiwan Sport University track and field stadium. This year’s event saw participation from 142 universities and colleges across the nation, bringing together more than ten thousand athletes. International students from Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam were also invited to compete in 21 different sports categories for the highest honors. Li Yilong, a student from the Chinese Language Department at Yuan Ze University, stood out in the fencing competition at this year’s Games. Demonstrating profound skill in the competition, he not only excelled but also won the gold medal in the individual category, bringing pride to his university.

【記者 林郁綺報導】

113 年全國大專校院運動會 於 5 月 4 日在臺灣體育大學田徑場開幕,全國 142 所大專校院共襄盛舉,共計超過一萬多位選手參加,並邀請馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡和越南等國家學子與會,在 21 個運動種類,角逐最高榮譽。元智大學中語系學生李弈隆於今年全大運擊劍項目中脫穎而出,不僅在競賽中展現深厚實力,更榮獲個人組金牌殊榮。

pro-bNyZpHaS (李弈隆於全大運擊劍項目中脫穎而出/照片由辰記擊劍提供)

在奪得全國大專校院運動會擊劍個人組金牌的成就背後,是十年磨一劍的堅持不懈。自幼熱愛擊劍運動的李羿隆在國小時期加入擊劍校隊,長達 11 年的擊劍之路充滿汗水和奮鬥,從基本功到戰術技巧,投入大量的時間和精力進行訓練,李羿隆從未間斷過自己的努力和熱忱。李弈隆表示,擊劍是一門需要毅力和耐心的運動,這次金牌的勝利,不僅是多年來努力的結果,更是他對擊劍事業堅持和信心的肯定。


pro-JYQEFeoI (李羿隆志向成為擊劍國手,為國家爭光/照片由辰記擊劍提供)


pro-XeET432K (中語系學生李弈隆(後排左二)榮獲個人組金牌殊榮/照片由辰記擊劍提供)

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