YZU faculty and staff enjoy the year-end banquet 元智心視界 躍動e起來 元智尾牙歲末慶

The year-end banquet, hosted by the 28th Chair of Employee Welfare Committee on January 17, presents performances and lucky draw events to entertain faculty and staff.

In his speech, YZU President Jyh-Yang Wu (吳志揚) shares his vision for the future. Firstly, he encourages teachers to develop innovative teaching strategies in the dual-language environment. YZU will provide English-taught degrees in all departments and expects to attract more potential students from foreign countries to YZU.  Secondly, YZU will focus on R&D and expand the University-Industry partnerships.  Wu also addresses that YZU plans to open the Foresight Institute under College of Humanities and Social Sciences, collaborating with College of Management to nurturing more ambitious students. Finally, YZU expects to work with Tao Yuan City Government to build Asian Silicon, Community Empowerment, and Neili Railway Underground Project.

YZU Board Chairman Douglas Hsu(徐旭東) blesses faculty and staff with golden words, and they are: to stay flexible and adaptable in the age of urbanization and globalization, while people are dependent heavily on technology and live longer. He also encourages all members of the YZU family to stick together and create a better future.

【記者 蔡尚臻報導】



元智大學教職員工尾牙活動在1月17日舉辦,辛苦忙碌一年的教職員工,在歲末年終這個時刻一同熱鬧度過,尾牙活動由第28屆福委會主辦,以「元智心視界 躍動e起來」為主題,現場準備表演與抽獎活動,讓教職員共同歡慶。今晚的抽獎大獎,除了有校長與副校長獎兩個大獎之外,更有董事長獎與福委會特別獎,每人各兩萬元的獎項,為教職員同仁年終加賞。






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