YZU holds 2020 Intelligent Manufacturing & Smart Finance Forum 2020智慧製造與智慧金融論壇 12/18於元智舉行

The 2020 Intelligent Manufacturing & Smart Finance Forum took place in Yuan Ze University. Dr. H.T. Kung, Harvard University professor and president of Taiwan AI School, and senior executives of multinational corporations were invited to share their views on the intelligent transformation of Taiwanese industry.

Prof. Chuan-Jun Su said that the forum will help to open the vision and cross-domain cooperation, as well as promote the development of intelligent industry and manufacturing which upgrades Taiwan’s industry by innovative business models. Prof. Chuan-Jun Su, Head of Research Center for Smart Production & Innovation Management, established Tianyuan Intelligent Company in 2019 and started a business with partners and graduate students. Meanwhile, he donated the company’s stock to Yuan Ze University, and signed the contract with YZU President Jyh-Yang Wu, hoping to combine with YZU cross-field talent cultivation project in the future, and establish a successful model for the university to enter the industry.






元智大學校長吳志揚表示,因為新冠肺炎(COVID-19)肆虐,全球經濟型態轉變,整個經濟進入新常態(The New Normal),牽動著企業發展以及每人的工作與生活。元智向以資通訊(ICT)見長,因應物聯網、大數據、AI時代來臨,在後疫情時代,掌握「新常態」是一大關鍵,物聯網的智慧製造是全球的工業革命,智慧金融更是未來的方向,掌握新常態對於未來產業將有重大影響與發展。


元智大學智慧生產與管理創新中心主任蘇傳軍教授表示,透過論壇開啟卓越視野與跨域合作模式,推升我國人工智慧產業與智能製造的發展,讓台灣產業在創新營運模式的引領下橫空而出。21世紀的產業轉型已是趨勢,尤其在疫情下更能體會,其中最關鍵則是數位轉型(Digital Transformation),企業核心價值的根本轉變,以成為靈敏、彈性、客戶需求作為導向。



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