As graduation season comes, new graduates with good academic qualifications undoubtedly get an advantage in the workplace. Compared to traditional prestigious universities such as National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Chiao Tung University, Yuan Ze University, as a private institution, has gained considerable exposure both in global university ranks and graduates’ career development. It ranks top in the “Social Sciences” category for Taiwan’s comprehensive private universities in the 2022 RUR World University Rankings and the electrical engineering and artificial intelligence in the 2023 EduRANK among private universities. Furthermore, it was ranked first in the EMBA program by Cheers magazine, had the highest starting salaries that information and engineering master’s degree holders get according to Global View magazine, and ranked among the top 10 nationwide on starting salaries of bachelor’s degrees. Its remarkable teaching achievements have sparked discussions in academic circles.
President Ching-Jong Liao of Yuan Ze University mentioned that the university has excellent faculty members, and several professors have been selected as the top 2% of scientists worldwide. Through the design of interdisciplinary courses, the university leads students in exploring and discovering issues, inspires their creativity, and develops their cross-disciplinary expertise. In response to current industry trends and skill transformation for the digital wave, Yuan Ze University keeps up with the pulse of the industry, providing students with various international exchange programs and corporate internship opportunities, helping students obtain international cloud certifications from Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, cultivating elite talents of International Mobility and developing fresh graduates with employability immediately.
畢業季將至,求職新鮮人擁有學歷加持,絕對能贏在職場起跑點。相較於台大、政大、清大、交通大學等傳統名校,近年來私立元智大學無論是在全球大學排名,或畢業生職涯發展方面皆相當具有能見度,挺進《2022 RUR 全球最佳大學排名》「社會科學類」台灣綜合性私校冠軍、《2023 EduRANK排名》電機工程、人工智慧等私校第1名,並囊括《Cheers雜誌》私立大學 EMBA 第1名、《遠見雜誌》資訊、工程類碩士起薪冠軍、學士起薪全國前10強,斐然教學成果引發學界熱烈討論。
(元智大學以學習者為中心 課程設計搭配議題導向實作課程 培養學生就業軟實力/照片由招生組提供)
元智大學國際企業學系畢業的校友張雲堯現任職於新加坡美商公司,負責國際行銷部門,他認為元智從大一開始,就幫助學生提早規劃職涯發展,並培養宏觀的溝通技巧,不僅教授理論知識,也與業界動態銜接,幫助他及早確認志向、做好準備,大三時張雲堯爭取到美國奧克拉荷馬大學(University of Oklahoma)交換學生。他表示,「當時奧克拉荷馬大學在台灣只有兩個姊妹校,就是台大和元智。」
(元智大學提供各式海外學習資源 幫助學生在語文學習中增進不同文化的理解與欣賞 成為融入國際的世界公民/照片由招生組提供)
(元智大學透過各式國外校院與企業參觀學習、文化體驗 提升學生的語言能力 及批判性思考與創新能力/照片由招生組提供)
(元智大學規劃具有特色、能夠學以致用的學程 培育擁有全球移動力、職場所需的人才/照片由招生組提供)
在現今數位化與全球化的產業趨勢下,企業選才風向已從「專」變成「跨」、從「只看學歷」轉為「看重個人特質和能力」,大學階段的學習是職涯培力的關鍵!元智大學112年度轉學生招生中,報名日期為112年6月14日上午10時至112年6月28日下午3時止,一律採用網路報名 (報名網址: ),詳情請參閱招生簡章。
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