QRCube shows artwork and mobile device application元智大學校園景點藝術裝置設計-QRcube

Dept. of Art and Design Professor Chu-Ching Lin(林楚卿) led an art team to create the outdoor art-QRCube. The team included graduate students Chih-Ying Tai(戴志穎, Mechanical Engineering), Pei-Yu Chen (陳培煜, BioMedical Engineering, Cheng-Kung University), and undergraduate students Po-Yen Chen (陳柏諺, Art and Design), Hsin-Yu Chen(陳欣渝, Art and Design) and Tzu-Chen Kuo(郭諮臻, Information Communications). These students coming from different profession worked out for the outdoor art display. QRCube, an interactive decoration artwork, shares the poets and photo shooting by the mobile devices. Users can upload their texts and pictures and share with others. There are three displays on campus.

Professor Lin said the artwork with mobile device application was developed by students, who inspired the Maker spirit and cross-fielded cooperation. Poets on the work are converted from calligraphy into electronic documents, and keep the words hollow-shape by laser cutting. The team designed a special connector and made the unplug and plug-in of parts in models easier. The infrared sensors on the artwork sense right away and the device starts while people pass through. The artwork with a mobile device driving creates a new vision for an art experience.




元智大學藝設系教授林楚卿帶領藝設系畢業生陳柏諺、機械碩二生戴志穎、成大醫工博士陳培煜、元智藝設系大三陳欣渝、資訊傳播系大三郭諮臻等人跨域合作,共同創作元智校園景點藝術裝置設計-QRcube。QRcube 為校園景點的互動性裝置藝術,共有三件各放置於大門口林蔭大道、元智圖書館及無線延續雕塑作品前,社區民眾或師生可藉由掃描QRcode瀏覽校園詩文,並可與裝置拍照互動,上傳APP分享詩文與感言,增添樂趣。

元智大學表示,去年11月初進行校園景點故事徵選活動,為使這些詩文作品可以雅俗共賞,讓學生自由連結觀賞產生互動,特別邀請元智藝設系師生協助製作校園景點互動性裝置藝術- QRcube,以增進校園景點與社區民眾或學生的互動,藉以行銷元智的校園美景。

林楚卿表示,QRcube 為放置在校園景點的互動性裝置藝術,共三件分別放置於校園三處景點:林蔭大道、五館圖書館及無線延續前。裝置外觀簡潔俐落,無人靠近時僅以灰與白的面貌安靜矗立在景點前,只要人靠近裝置,裝置便立即透出光線,出現燈光並顯示QRcode,靠近它時可以利用手機APP掃描,以閱讀景點的詩文,並可在景點處拍照留言上傳APP分享,即使沒有手機,也可從裝置的另一端,觀看燈光內的詩文。12980711_1348089445217496_2105540226_o




林楚卿表示,為了維持景點的完整性,以「標籤」 的方式來設計藝術裝置,藉由行動裝置(手機/平板),現場與裝置藝術進行互動。為了方便使用,選擇大家都熟悉的 QR code作為裝置的互動元素,以增加民眾與裝置的互動性,掃描QR code連結APP。



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