Yuan Ze University’s Department of Information Communication Wins Accolades in International Design Competitions.元智大學資傳系獲國際設計競賽佳績與肯定

Yuan Ze University is dedicated to cultivating students’ creativity and practical skills in design, encouraging them to participate in domestic and international design competitions. Through carefully organized workshops like the ‘Secrets of Winning International Design Competitions,’ students have a learning platform. These workshops focus on practical skills, communication, and coordination to enhance competitiveness in international competitions.

In the 2023 ISARCH Awards, the Department of Information Communication students achieved remarkable success, with five projects receiving Winner honors. Additionally, some students received distinctions in the 2023 DNA Paris Design Awards and were honored with Excellence in the 2023 Taiwan International Graphic Design Award.



資傳系李如喬設計作品Foreseeing is believing (資傳系李如喬設計作品Foreseeing is believing/照片由資傳系提供)


李曉柔所創作「Grateful」 (李曉柔所創作「Grateful」/照片由資傳系提供)

在2023 ISARCH Awards中,取得了傲人的成績,資傳系學生共有5項作品榮獲Winner優選,李如喬設計作品「Foreseeing is believing」、蘇煒筑、邱靖文、周方浩、鄭雨桐、陳俞蓁、王維亭共同創作作品「he Echo of Lodestar」、李曉柔創作「You got the point」及「Grateful」、李苡秀作品「Acu Relief」及李如喬「DIZZY」;也有同學在2023 DNA Paris Design Awards 中獲得佳作以及2023臺灣國際平面設計獎榮獲優選。

李如喬的作品「DIZZY」 (李如喬的作品「DIZZY」/照片由資傳系提供)

元智資傳系陳郁臻同學,以作品「樹枝」的海報,在平面設計領域的第十七屆墨西哥國際海報雙年展International Poster Biennial in Mexico (BICM)中,獲得入圍。該競賽被教育部列為國際競賽視覺傳達設計類的第一等獎項,學生在國際舞台上的傑出表現受到肯定,突顯同學們在平面與互動設計領域的卓越表現。

元智資傳系陳郁臻同學(左)在BICM中獲得入圍並被教育部列為國際競賽視覺傳達設計類第一等獎項 (元智資傳系陳郁臻同學(左)在BICM中獲得入圍並被教育部列為國際競賽視覺傳達設計類第一等獎項/照片由陳郁臻提供)


李曉柔所創作「You got the point」 (李曉柔所創作「You got the point」/照片由資傳系提供)


蘇煒筑、邱靖文、周方浩、鄭雨桐、陳俞蓁、王維亭共同創作作品「he Echo of Lodestar」 (蘇煒筑、邱靖文、周方浩、鄭雨桐、陳俞蓁、王維亭共同創作作品「he Echo of Lodestar」/照片由資傳系提供)

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