YZU invited to sign Taoyuan University Entrepreneur League MOU.元智大學受邀簽署桃園校園創業聯盟

To build Taoyuan into a city of innovation and entrepreneurship and provide start-up assistance for young people from campus to society, the Department of Youth Affairs of the Taoyuan City Government has signed an agreement, “Taoyuan University Entrepreneur League,” with seven Taoyuan-area universities, including Yuan Ze University. They will provide resources, talent, and other collaborative exchange affairs, share equipment resources and venue facilities, and jointly organize the innovation-entrepreneurship competitions titled “You Can Change the Future,” courses, gatherings, visits, exhibitions, and other activities.



元智大學徐澤志副校長致詞 (元智大學徐澤志副校長致詞/照片由丘邦翰提供)

此次參與創業聯盟的七所大學菁英齊聚,元智大學徐澤志副校長在致詞中表示,元智於2022年與Google 、Amazon、Microsoft三家世界科技大廠啟動雲端服務合作,在三雲聚頂的加持下,2023年元智大學智慧生產與管理創新研究中心首先推出「智慧科技城市人才培育計畫」,以落實張善政市長提出的《數位五策》,其次將攜手國際學術組織於11月份舉辦「2023台灣區塊鏈創新大賽」(Taiwan Blockchain Innovation Contest 2023, TBIC ),敬邀全球創客到桃園參與競逐。

元智大學展示研發成果1 (元智大學智慧生產與管理創新研究中心展示成果為全場聚焦亮點/照片由丘邦翰提供)


元智大學展示研發成果 (元智大學展示研發成果/照片由丘邦翰提供)

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