Yuan Ze University has accelerated the development and application of smart campuses after the epidemic. In the future, students, teachers or administrative management can easily understand the state of school and student learning by connecting with big data, IoT and the cloud.
YZU President Jyh-Yang Wu said that Yuan Ze University is well-known for its information and communications, and devotes to promoting artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data and other aspects. Students also have outstanding performance in participating out-of-school contests. Besides being the first domestic university with world-reputation English teaching, YZU became a piorneer in 2017 to teach the new bilingual languages (English and programming language) in the school as compulsory programming language courses (even the Chinese language department is no exception). It meets the needs of the big data era and the rise of artificial intelligence, as well as, the model of economy in the future.
After the epidemic, schools also have to consider adjusting teaching methods. Smart campuses and classrooms are imperative. The platforms of IoT Smart Campus based on AIoT include the smart parking-space monitor, the intelligent environmental monitor, and the smart classrooms. At present, YZU arranges the College of Electrical and Communication Engineering as the fisrt learning field, and will expand to all colleges and the whole school.
(電通學院李建誠教授講解智慧校園相關應用。 /照片由本報提供)
疫情過後,學校也要思考調整教學方式,智慧校園與智慧教室已是勢在必行,「智慧校園物聯網」是基於AIoT的規劃,目前平台包括智慧停車位監控、智慧環境監控以及智慧教室。目前元智先以電通學院為學習場域,並將擴及各學院及全校。其中使用大家熟悉的手機即時通訊LINE APP為人機介面(UI),以LINE聊天機器人(Bot)來作為即時監控操作的介面。使學生可藉由實作學習物聯網(IoT)、人工智慧(AI)、及大數據應用等相關知識及應用,達成培育人工智慧與物聯網科技人才的目標。此「智慧校園物聯網」可直接透過LINE,已加入朋友的方式(如掃描相關QR碼)來直接連上《智慧停車位監控》、《智慧環境監控》、或《智慧教室》來使用「智慧校園物聯網」以即時獲取校園內的相關資訊。
透過LINE介面及各種無線網路(如行動網路、WiFi、NB-IoT、LoRa等等),可遠端監控環境的PM2.5、溫溼度、一氧化碳及二氧化碳濃度、噪音度、或有機揮發物等等;以做即時的環境監控, 並瞭解可能的有害環境。
實際上,智慧教室無論是設計「變形」課桌椅,「削平」教室講台,還是通過現代教育技術創課教室設計,最終的目的是能讓學生利用手上的智慧裝置,達到互動學習的應用。元智的智慧教室概念則是透過LINE介面達到智慧課堂的功能,包含與免費開放的Moodle課程管理系統整合、支援課堂內線上即時小考、課堂自動點名、課堂師生互動等功能。整合各項資訊設備以及數位科技的方法,透過完善的網路通訊技術, 並運用各種數位教材、學習資源及教學方法, 提供一個敎學更有效率、學習更有成效、城鄉沒有落差、對地球更友善且能培養學生更高層的學習成效。
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