The 2022 IEEE Taiwan Workshop on Information Theory and Communications was held at Yuan Ze University on the 18th of August. The industry-university-research experts and scholars from ITRI, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, National Central University, National Taiwan University and Yuan Ze University were invited to share the development of popular industries, and their latest researches on topics such as low-orbit satellites, 6G technology, next-generation talent cultivation, radar-communication integration, information theory and coding, and quantum communication. About 60 researches of MOST Communications and Engineering Projects were published online.
元智大學廖慶榮校長進行開幕致詞,並頒發2021 IEEE ComSoc/ ITSoc年輕學者論文獎,分別由元智大學張玲華教授與臺灣大學鄭皓中教授獲獎。會中特別邀請IEEE ComSoc Taipei Chapter Chair陽明交通大學李佳翰教授及IEEE ITSoc Taipei Chapter Chair中央大學古孟霖教授上台致詞為本次研討會揭開序幕。
(元智大學張玲華教授榮獲2021 IEEE ComSoc/ ITSoc年輕學者論文獎(右)/照片由本報訊提供)
(臺灣大學鄭皓中教授榮獲2021 IEEE ComSoc/ ITSoc年輕學者論文獎(右)/照片由本報訊提供)
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