YZU demonstrates Gerontechnology research achievements 元智大學老人福祉科技研發 資訊月展出


2015 IT Month starts on Nov 28 in the Exhibition Hall One of Taipei World Trade Center. The nine-day exhibition aims to present the life trend in the future.  Gerontechnology Research Center in YZU demonstrates Silver Bedroom and Dementia Homecare Bar, which are the result of the government-university cooperation. Gerontechnology Research Center in YZU is the only academic institute.

  In the “G-Tech Villa”, the center presents five sections for the needs of the elderly, including Rehabilitation Games, Memory Hallway, Entertainment Square, iCloud Health Care, and Silver Bedroom. The exhibition shows the achievements that technology assists dementia at home. Visitors experience the situations of elderly lying in bed and praise the considerable technology.  Yeh-Liang Hsu (徐業良), Chairman of the Center, says the institute was founded in 2003 and contributes to the silver technology research.  The goal is to explore possible solutions to needs of the elderly and enhance their independence in living and social involvement.

一年一度的資訊盛會於11/28起在台北市世貿一館盛大展出9天。國內各資通訊大廠將展示未來生活趨勢科技的應用。因應銀髮族時代來臨,元智老人福祉科技研究中心,以「銀髮臥室(Silver Bedroom)」和「失智居家照護(Dementia Homecare Bar)」為主題,展示與科技部、經濟部的產學合作研發成果。

元智大學老人福祉科技中心資訊月主題館參展 (1)
(元智大學老人福祉科技中心資訊月主題館參展 )

元智大學老人福祉科技研究中心,是此次展覽唯一受邀在主題館參展的學術單位,在命名為“G-Tech Villa”的展館中,以「銀髮臥室(Silver Bedroom)」和「失智居家照護(Dementia Homecare Bar)」為主題,展示與科技部、經濟部的產學合作研發成果。每年資訊月展出是國內科技盛事,今年以「攜手科技 傳遞幸福」為主題,邀請Acer、Asus、中華電信、HTC等國內資通訊大廠,展示未來生活趨勢科技的應用。

元智老人福祉科技展出之“G-Tech Villa”展館共分為「復健遊戲」、「回憶走廊」、「同樂廣場」、「照護雲端」及「銀髮臥室」五個區域,展示一系列利用科技協助失智症長者家庭照護的可能性,模擬未來銀髮族臥式情境,參觀者須能「抱著期待的心情進入,帶著愉快的經驗出來」。元智大學老人福祉科技研究中心主任徐業良表示,元智老人福祉科技研究中心成立於2003年,為國內最早投入老人科技領域的學術單位,致力於設計科技與環境,以提升高齡者獨立生活與社會參與的能力。


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