YZU professor develops a decoding algorithms of polar codes for 5G mobile communications 元智電機林承鴻研發極化解碼減少運算量技術 適用 5G 行動通訊

In response to the global trend of academic research in industrialization, Yuan Ze University has actively spread its energy of research and development (R&D) to the industry in recent years. In addition to encouraging innovative research by teachers and students, it also promotes practical teaching methods and international accreditation.

Professor Cheng-Hung Lin from the Department of Electrical Engineering proposed a “layer operation stop method for belief propagation (BP) decoding of polar codes, “which can be used in the current fifth-generation mobile technologies (5G). The numerical detection mechanism of the probability to detect and stop computing the higher probability can reduce the quantity of computation, the calculation time, and the chip’s power consumption. This patented technology was awarded the Silver Medal in the 2022 Taiwan Innotech Expo Invention Competition.

【記者 林郁綺報導】


林承鴻教授於2018 年至2022年間,共獲台灣創新技術博覽會32銅佳績,獲獎專利以透過減少演算法的運算量,達到減少晶片硬體資源與運算能量為目標,可以用在不同型態編碼的機率型解碼上,林承鴻說,這些編碼如渦輪碼、極化碼、低密度奇偶校驗碼,都可應用於日常生活中,如手機的5G 行動通訊、數位電視的衛星通訊、智慧手錶的快閃式記憶體和筆記型電腦內的固態硬碟,主體選定之靈感以民生議題為切入點,進行整體性的驗證。

中時-元智電機林承鴻研發極化解碼減少運算量技術適用 5G 行動通訊 (元智電機林承鴻研發極化解碼減少運算量技術適用 5G 行動通訊/照片由本報訊提供)

面對第五代移動通信世代(5G)進入商用階段,因其具有傳輸速度更快、高頻寬、高密度及低延遲等特性,有利於發展大數據、人工智慧、物聯網等服務,將帶動高品質視聽娛樂、智慧醫療、智慧工廠、自駕車、無人機、智慧城市等加值創新應用,已成為各國競相發展的重點。林承鴻教授有鑒於行動通訊技術的應用擴展,提出解碼演算法運用至 5G 行動通訊,透過該專利技術以簡單有效的演算方式,降低運算能量消耗,延遲手機電池使用時間,此外,該研發成果在基地台和手機端層面得到證實。


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